Sewer Repair is Avoidable With Common Sense and Care

Sewer lines and drains can be a nightmare for homeowners. Especially when they get backed up. A nasty mess unfolds and you likely have a pricey sewer repair on your hands. As New Hope sewer repair specialists, we at Gene’s Water & Sewer would like to extend our thoughts on a few things that you can do to help prevent back-ups to your sewer network.

Whenever you put harsh chemicals to use with regard to your sewer line, dispose of it correctly. Do not  pour any of it down a sewer or other drain of that sort. If you are making your lawn into a sparse forest, do not plant any trees anywhere near your sewer lines. The roots of your trees seek out any water source they can gain access to. Should your sewer line end up as this source, any and all piping therein can crack or break, resulting in even more sewer repair.

Grease from cooking should be stowed in a glass container, not emptied down a drain or toilet. Tiny bits of grease can create a nightmare scenario with regard to your drains backing up. As a precautionary (and just plain wise) measure, always use a back-flow prevention device that will aid in keeping water moving in the right and proper direction.

Your piping and drains need a good cleanse from time to time. Pour a cup of baking soda down your drains to provide a little cleaning to help prevent expensive sewer repair. Follow this up by pouring a cup of white vinegar down the same drains. Lastly, boil up some water, pour that down those very same drains, to wash it all down.

Keep the items toilet flushed to nothing other than standard human waste and toilet paper. Too much in the realms of not standard toileting fare could add up to a sewer repair.

Not following these tips can lead to very costly sewer repair, such as an all-encompassing traditional sewer repair. If multiple bursts occur throughout the sewer line, a full sewage system back-up or clog has emerged, or tree roots grow into and crack pipes, a sewer repair or even replacement is likely in order. The average sewer replacement bill in New Hope can run anywhere from $2000-$15,000, depending on a wide array of circumstances.

New Hope calls upon Gene’s Water & Sewer for such work. 38 years of experience, consistent on-time job completion and a money back guaranteed $99 camera inspection, Gene’s does it right.

So when you need sewer repair in New Hope, call Gene’s Water & Sewer at 612-781-3737 or you can contact us for a Free Estimate.