Sewer System Repair: The Many Causes of Sewer System Issues

One of the worst problems a homeowner can face is a backed up sewer line or drain. It’s messy and smelly, and sometimes it can result in the need for costly repair. When you are faced with the need for sewer system repair at your Roseville home, you may have a few questions about what’s caused it. For most people, your home’s sewer lines are a bit of a mystery. And, while you may not like to think about what goes on in your sewer line, it is a good idea to know what may eventually cause trouble in your pipes. As experts in sewer system repair, we’d like to provide you with some answers and some of the common reasons for sewer system repair.


Even a small amount of grease can cause those drains to back up. Always collect grease from your kitchen in a separate glass container. Never throw it down your sink drain or down a toilet. You should also always use a back-flow prevention device. This will help keep the water moving in the correct direction.

sewer system repair


Tree roots are a very common cause of sewer pipe leaks. A sewer line is a great source for water and fertilization and tree roots may naturally grow towards this source of nourishment until it wraps around the pipe and causes it to rupture. Sewer system repair can remove these roots and get the sewer line back in tip-top shape. But sometimes, removal of the tree may be necessary.

Improper Flushing

Make sure no one flushes anything down the toilet other than waste and toilet paper. Even personal hygiene items should not be flushed. Too much of this and you might need to look into sewer system repair.

Chemicals & Corrosion

After you are done painting or using any type of harsh chemical, it should be properly disposed of. Never pour any of it down a sewer or other drain like that. These harsh chemicals can harm your sewer lines and eventually cause the need for sewer system repair.

And, over time, pipes can simply wear out from old age. When corrosion sets in, the pipe starts to form leaks that will only continue to spread. Sewer system repair is likely the only way to stop this corrosion from spreading further.

So when you need sewer system repair for your Roseville home, call Gene’s Water & Sewer at 612-781-3737 or you can contact us for a Free Estimate.